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Showing posts from October, 2018

Keep your life options open till you are sure

I have been contemplating this quotes from Naval Ravikant: First, In making decision if you are not sure, then don't do it. Second, if it boils down only 2 options and it's fifty/fifty then choose the one that is painful in the short term and bring equanimity in the longer term. Like should i do sports this today or not? Should I eat healthy food or not? The first one it seems you have 1 option to choose vs myriads of options. This seems to me if people have some money in their pocket. so they have this liberty to keep their option in life to always open. Especially we are now living in an exponentially option abundance in our time because of the proliferation of technology. So, ideally we always want to keep our options/choice open in life until we are pretty damn sure we want to do it whole heartedly. Meaning not just with your mind but also with your heart and soul. I think this boils down do what you want! Not what the society/parents/obligation tells you what to do! I